Is Obama the Anti-Christ? I don't know. But it is clear, with all the Obama worship songs, prayers to Obama, he is usurping position of the Messiah

However, I can confidently say He isn't Jesus Christ! So it is irrefutable that he is an anti-christ in the very least.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is Obama really a Christian?

Showing his true colors

Our individual Salvation depends on collective Salvation?

What kind of Christian says that? And declaring himself as saviour?

To understand this clip you need to understand Obama's church doctrine, based on Black Liberation Theology. James H. Cone wrote the foundation books, starting with "Black Theology and Black Power" in 1968. "Salvation" means liberation of the black man and defeat of white society. That is, the current system, which is held to be racist, will be destroyed and replaced by a system ruled by blacks (non-whites). The "kingdom" is the the BLT version the biblical kingdom of God on Earth which will be achieved when the Black Messiah manifests himself and destroys white society. Obma's actions as president can be seen as being consistent with this religious doctrine of his "former" black supremacist church, Trinity United Chruch of Christ.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Comparative hero worship

After posting so many Obama worship videos, I searched for other comparative world or social leaders who attract as much worship and zeal, making their object of worship godlike, or replacing God altogether. Here are a few:

We're Gonna Let It Shine

O Barack Obama, we're gonna let it the children's Christian song "This Little Light of Mine"

Obama Worship

Audio clips and artwork worshipping Obama in church

Obama the Hypnotist?

Barack Obamas speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of conversational hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes. Obamas techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them. This document ('s_Use_of_Hidden_Hypnosis_techniques_in_His_Speeches.pdf) examines Obamas speeches word by word, hand gesture by hand gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and proves his use of covert hypnosis intended only for licensed therapists on consenting patients. Obamas mesmerized, cult-like, grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not because Obama is the greatest leader of a generation who simply hasnt accomplished anything, who magically inspires by giving speeches. Obama is committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history.

On Obama Worship

On AlfonZo Rachel's ZoNation

Is Obama Jesus Christ?